Dental Implant Aftercare Tips

When you have a dental implant it is important to take good care of the implants so that they last as long as possible. This is especially true if you want to keep them looking and feeling their best. You can do several things to ensure that your implants stay in shape and your smile remains beautiful. Below you will find some tips on how to do so. Click here to learn more

Avoiding smoking

Smoking is a risk factor for dental implants. This is because it can damage the tissues in the mouth, slowing the healing process. It can also increase the risks of infection.

dental care

If you smoke, you must quit before your implant procedure. The dentist will give you instructions on how to stop. You should also refrain from smoking for at least two months after the procedure.

Before a dental implant procedure, your dentist will ask you about your smoking history. You should provide complete information about your habits. Your doctor will note the length and intensity of your smoking habit.

Smoking can cause problems in your oral cavity, including stains and cavities. It can also increase your chances of developing peri-implantitis, which is inflammation of the gums. Symptoms include bleeding and soreness.

Smoking can also damage the bone and tissue around the implant. It also reduces blood flow. It affects the immune system and weakens the body’s ability to heal.

There are many benefits to quitting smoking. One of the main advantages is a higher chance of success with dental implants. Another advantage is a stronger immune system.

A dentist will likely recommend you quit smoking before dental implant. Some dentists suggest that you try nicotine replacement therapy, which can help kick the habit.

In addition to the risk of dental implant failure, smoking increases gum disease likelihood. This condition can damage the gums and other tissues surrounding the implant.

It can also cause a dry mouth, which promotes bacteria. When you smoke, you restrict the blood flow to the oral tissues, preventing oxygen from reaching them.

Avoiding hot liquids and spicy items

After a dental implant surgery, avoiding hot liquids and spicy items can help you recover quicker. Spicy and hot foods can increase the risk of infection, and they can also be irritating to your surgical site.

Sticky and chewy foods can cause pain and damage to your implant. They can also cause tiny pieces to get stuck in your surgical area. You should stick to soft, pureed foods after your implant treatment.

The best thing you can do for your healing is to avoid hard foods and heavy exercise for the first few days. Avoid crunchy foods like popcorn, tortilla shells, and nuts. These can lodge between your gum and your implant and increase the chance of infection.

You should also avoid drinking liquids that are too hot or too acidic. This is because they can dislodge blood clots. Drinking cold liquids or ice can be a good alternative.

It is also a good idea to avoid alcohol, which can slow the healing process and can interact with your pain medication. Smoking can also disrupt the healing process.

Finally, you should try to get as much vitamin D as possible. Vitamin D is derived from sunlight or cod liver oil, and it is an important part of the healing process.

Your dentist will provide you with specific instructions on what to eat and what to avoid after your implant treatment. You can begin to eat soft textured solid foods, like eggs, boiled potatoes, chicken, and rice. As you heal, you can begin to add harder food back into your diet.

In addition to the soft food diet, you should also be mindful of your oral hygiene. For example, make sure to brush your teeth daily.

Avoiding hard candy

It’s important to know what not to eat after dental implant surgery. There are many foods that are off limits, as well as drinks. For instance, alcohol can interfere with medication. Drinks with a high acid content such as soda are not only hard on your teeth, but also on your implants.

One of the easiest ways to speed up recovery is to avoid sticky or crunchy foods. These foods can pull your implants out of place, leading to complications down the road. The best way to avoid this problem is to limit your intake to soft foods for at least a week after surgery.

Another way to keep your implants happy is to stick to a liquid diet for at least the first week. If you can’t manage a liquid-only diet, then you can try a small amount of solid food. You’ll have more options as you progress to the next phase of your recovery.

While you’re at it, be sure to brush and floss your teeth daily. This will not only prevent plaque build-up, but also help remove any food remnants that could otherwise linger on your teeth and gums. You’ll want to be particularly careful of your postoperative gums, as they are tender and inflamed. A regular dental checkup is also a good idea, so you can keep track of any problems that may arise.

Despite your best efforts, you will likely miss the occasional tasty snack. To make matters worse, some foods are better left off your plate altogether. Sticky foods, ice and crunchy snacks like popcorn kernels are no-nos, as they can lodge in the space between your gums and your implant and irritate the area.

Cleaning your teeth

The proper care of your teeth after dental implant aftercare is important to prevent pain, complications, and loss. A regular oral hygiene routine and dental visits can help to keep your implants healthy for years to come. However, you should also follow your dentist’s recommendations.

You should be gentle with your implant during the first week after surgery. Avoid bruxism, biting around the implant, and chewing. You should use a soft toothbrush and soft foods. This will help wash away food particles and plaque.

You should avoid vigorous swishing or water jets. Instead, rinse your mouth with warm saltwater several times a day. Rinsing can be done after each meal.

Once you are able to eat normally, you can brush and floss your teeth. You may have to do this for two weeks to maintain a clean surgical area. Alternatively, your dentist may recommend an antibiotic mouthwash.

Use an antimicrobial mouth rinse, such as PeridexTM, to clean your implants. If you are experiencing bleeding, you can use a gauze pack. Leave it in for at least an hour. After that, if you notice blood or excessive bruising, change the gauze.

Your dentist will likely advise you to rinse your mouth with a chlorhexidine mouthwash. You can also use an OTC mouthwash, such as Listerine Zero. It’s a good idea to rinse your mouth after every drink and meal, and you can use it after any other activity.

Keeping your teeth clean after dental implant aftercare is not difficult. But it does take a little time and effort. Dental implants need to be cleaned on a daily basis to protect the implants and the surrounding gums.

Preparing for the procedure

A good dental implant aftercare plan will help you get the most out of your new teeth. Your dentist will offer advice and guidance on what to do, but you’ll also need to take care of your mouth and your body, too.

During the first three weeks after surgery, you will want to make sure to take the proper steps to promote healing and reduce complications. These include taking antibiotics, eating the right foods, avoiding crunchy food and drinking plenty of liquids.

The dental implant procedure itself is fairly straightforward. The dentist will use local anesthesia to sedate you during the procedure. Afterwards, you’ll be given a few pain killers to keep you comfortable. While you’re waiting, you can also clean the area around your implant using a Q-tip soaked in warm water and toothpaste.

You should also take the time to eat a soft diet. This will lessen your chances of causing excessive bleeding.

You can also reduce swelling by placing an ice pack on your face. Place it on the side of your face closest to the implant site for 20 minutes on and 10 minutes off. Once your ice pack has cooled, you can reintroduce solid foods.

Another way to reduce your risk of infection is to rinse your mouth with a saltwater solution. Saltwater helps to reduce bacterial activity in your mouth, which reduces the likelihood of complications.

In addition to dental cleaning your mouth, you’ll need to do your best to avoid bruxism and biting your lips around your implant. These actions can damage your new teeth, so avoid them.

You’ll also want to brush your teeth thoroughly after each meal. Use a soft toothbrush, not a hard one. It’s better to floss gently than to vigorously swish your teeth.